It's been quiet because I've been up to some side quests to allow Big Toys 40k to happen. Firstly we've been looking for a new house, which I'm happy to say we've finally found. this obviously has meant our planned event date has pushed back, so we're probably now looking at a 2024 start. This is not a bad thing though, as the new place has a barn to play in - Barnhammer40k ftw! On top of this, I've been working with th3proj3ct to create a new set of date files for Apoc 2019 in Battlescribe. See our work here:
We've forked the Fundapocalypse work and started updating it in line with 9e changes and adding Legends units. I've added all the units already on this page into the BS files, although they might differ slightly to the rules given here. I found a few mistakes I'd made, so took the opportunity to tidy those when adding them. I'll try and go back over the ones here and correct them, although that may wait for a full document with better artwork etc as an Apoc 2019 addon - we'll see. Over the next few days you should see a couple of things appear here, so we're not dead yet!
Still followin', still watchin'.