Yrrthilien Moursong Datasheet

I mentioned this in the last post, but we'll be producing our own datasheets for new units for our events. I'm working at this from two angles, trying to help out these guys with adding units from the current Aeldari codex to the Fundapocalypse Battlescribe files (https://www.fundamalleus.com/) and looking at ways to share ones I've created for our own conversions or for units lost from the current game.

For thos that follow my Fort Wargame blog, you may recall that I wrote a datasheet for 9th Ed for this hero of the Aeldari. http://fortwargame.blogspot.com/2021/03/lost-and-forgotten-part-1-yrrthilien.html Obviously this is the Apocalypse version, shared now as a one off. I'm hoping to collate all that I do into a single PDF booklet and have it look a bit prettier, but this is as it is for now.

Apocalypse Rules

